Monday, June 15, 2009

Share Your TK Models!

Calling all authors! We'd love to see what you've done in TK, and share it with the greater TK community. Click here to see models TK users have shared with us in the past.

All models should be sent to Please check out the TK Model Share Guidelines for details.

TK Model Share Guidelines
When submitting a file for TK Model Share, please include the phrase "Model Share" in the email subject line.

Models should be properly documented, including a summary comment on the Comment Sheet. All variables on the variable sheet should include a description in the comment field. Additionally, you might consider including a separate DOC, PDF, XLS or other file to help document your model and zip them together into a compressed file.

If a model includes content in the MathLook Sheet, this information is stored in a separate file and its existence should be noted in the summary comment in case the files get separated. The path to the MathLook content file can be found at the bottom of the TK model file when viewed in a text editor. The path must be updated by each user who downloads the model. It might be best to avoid the use of MathLook content and simply zip a DOC or PDF with your model to display any diagrams or other associated graphics.

The TK model should not contain any "Included" files. Please merge any included files before submitting models.

You may also submit linked or packaged files produced using the TK-Excel Toolkit. If you submit a linked spreadsheet file that has not been packaged, be sure to submit the associated TK model(s) as well so that the link can be updated on each user's PC.

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Monday, June 08, 2009

Check Out These Success Stories!

Case studies and examples are a good thing. Sometimes, though, it's nice to read something a little less formal - say, an interview or first-hand account from a fellow TK user.

Click here to read how an award winning petroleum engineer uses TK Solver.

Click here to access a library of success stories.

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Tuesday, June 02, 2009

Free Integrated Gear Software Case Studies

60+ tutorials and examples, from an overview of Integrated Gear Software (IGS) to detailed case studies are available for free download on the UTS website. Click here to learn more.

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