Wednesday, August 19, 2009

PTS - Corporate Client Module

PTS comes with an elaborate Dashboard that provides point-and-click access on the status of every Package and every ongoing Project. Information on planned and previous Projects can also be accessed and reported.

The Client Module provides a privilege-based view of all activities in the Project Plan. For each Package in each Project, the status (percentage completed) of each activity and a consolidated completion status–rolled up to the Package and Project levels–can be readily accessed. The Client Module also provides a number of default reports. These include:

Project Group Progress report
Package Pre-Award report
Running Project Cost Report
Time Tracker Report
Package Listing Report
Billing Breakup Units Report (BBU or manufactured and bought out item groups and individual items in each group)
Activity Alert Report (for viewing the status of various Project activities and identifying the ones that are running late for more timely action)
Sensitive Activity Report

Project participants interact primarily with the client module on a day-to-day basis to update status and time-related information.

Here are some typical Corporate Client Module screens:

Interface for updating action taken for critical and sensitive activities

Resource Cost Rate Table for Project Running Cost calculations based on entries in the Time Tracker Module

This post is the seventh in a ten-part series about UTS's Project Tracking System. Check back next week to read about the Meetings Management Module.



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