PTS - Site Managers Module
Site Managers who oversee the receipt of shipments use the Site Managers Module to enter the status of each manufactured or bought-out-item received. They can also enter real-time information on the progress of various erection activities such as Chimney Piling, Boiler Structure Erection, and Cabling. The progress of erection activities and shipments is entered in specific (and customizable) units pertaining to each item. For example, steel shipments may be measured in metric tons while pile caps would be in quantity units.
Site Managers enter progress data via a web-based module. All data received from each site is analyzed and compared with the Project Plan activities to ensure that all delayed activities get reported quickly. The Site Managers module includes customizable interactive graphical interfaces for specific activities such as Chimney Piling, ESP Foundation Piling, Boiler Erection and other activities. A typical Site Managers Module Interface, and other sample screens from the Site Managers Module, are shown below:
Site Managers enter progress data via a web-based module. All data received from each site is analyzed and compared with the Project Plan activities to ensure that all delayed activities get reported quickly. The Site Managers module includes customizable interactive graphical interfaces for specific activities such as Chimney Piling, ESP Foundation Piling, Boiler Erection and other activities. A typical Site Managers Module Interface, and other sample screens from the Site Managers Module, are shown below:
Site Managers Module interface for providing updates on item deliveries and progress at the plant site.
Sample interface for Site Managers to provide updates on Chimney Piling Progress.
Example of another interface for providing updates on piling activities.
Sample interface for Site Managers to provide updates on Chimney Piling Progress.
Example of another interface for providing updates on piling activities.
This post is the fifth in a series about UTS's Project Tracking System. Check back next week to learn about the Time Tracker and Cost Information Module.
Labels: Project Tracking System
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