Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Knowledge Management: A Case Study, Part 2

UTS is pleased bring you the second in a two-part series, guest-written by Rick Lukanen, Principal Engineer at Douglas Machine Inc. This series is based on a presentation Mr. Lukanen delivered April 22, 2008 at the Engineering, Globalization and Knowledge Management workshop co-hosted by the Northern Illinois University Engineering, Technology and Alumni Society (ETAS) and UTS.

Douglas’ KMS in Action

Time Savings 100:1

There was a machine Douglas had designed many times before, but this time the design was somewhat unique, enough so that troubles arose during early tests. Three people worked 10 hr days for 10 days to solve the problems. At the time, it seemed it was just a matter of tweaking the problem into submission. It was early in the analysis so many people were not thinking about looking for solutions via a math investigation. Once an analysis person found out about this machine he modeled it in TK Solver, animated the machine, watched it run on his computer screen, and issued a report to the shop floor. The analysis work took 3 hours. The derived solution ran perfectly when it was loaded into the machine controller. Douglas realized a 100:1 ratio of effort.

Increased Life and Speed

A new transfer table design completed by the analysis group is proving to have 12 times greater life and 6.5 times greater speed capability. This was achieved using Douglas’ modular codes, rule based programming in TK Solver, and Roark’s Formulas. The new design is slated for acceptance in 2008.

Leveraging Expertise to Facilitate the Design Process

In 2008 Douglas had a large proto-type project that required it to demonstrate the feasibility of using a new machine design. A successful proto-type could potentially result in a very large order.

Advanced linear actuator analysis methods were deployed to assist the design engineers. Included on the analysis team were two members who had never used the advanced linear actuator program. The two analysis team members using the linear actuator model for the first time found the program easy to use since the component data was read into the inputs via ODBC connectivity. This advanced program made it possible for the designers to complete their work early and provided the opportunity to study the types of technologies that would need to be applied during the concept phase of the project. The machine validation was performed two weeks ahead of schedule and the customer initiated the order process for more machines. This example set the standard for future engineering projects.

Case Study: Rule Based Programming with Optimization

With imperative languages (BASIC, FORTRAN, Mathcad, etc.) users have to provide instructions in code (an algorithm) to solve a problem (and it can only solve the one the user wants to solve). With declarative rule based programming, the computer can solve every possible permutation described by the user’s rules (making it a solution space).

Optimization with imperative programming yields the best of what the programmer(s) could conceive, where optimization in declarative rule based programming yields the best results in a solution space – something so complicated that writing a program to do this would be very difficult to do, if not impossible.

Douglas was presented with the challenge of custom-designing guard door lift mechanisms on a tight schedule. This effort had to be right the first time and potential orders could follow. On-the-fly analysis was initiated to dodge what would have been a large amount of rework, lost profits, and a customer whose expectations would not be realized.

Rules were developed that described the lift strut’s linkage, the compression spring design, and constraints for each component as well as the strut itself. The rules would make the lift strut by optimization of the spring design, linkages, and size/orientation. Optimizations of three complex systems concurrently were not trivial problems. Initially, the problem appeared too complex to solve, but in three days’ time the problem was solved.

The custom spring strut was manufactured and it worked so well it remains Douglas’ standard due to its compact size and performance. This design is not only small; Douglas believes it to be impossible to make it smaller. The documentation produced by TK Solver’s report wizard was sent to the spring manufacturer. The springs arrived in a few days time – and they were correct. Customers have commented that Douglas has the best guard door in the industry. The guard door can be moved easily by one hand and, placed in any position, it will stay put.

In Conclusion

Douglas Machine has made the transition that they set out to achieve; they made the change to servo based machinery. During this process Douglas also realized the benefit of KMS development. Analysis reports are now used to manage projects. Reduced startups and machine commissioning has been realized. In 2007, all projects shipped on time. The support for further KMS development continues at Douglas.

As with any survey of technologies such as this one, it is not always possible to single out one act or plan that contributes to a company’s success; it often is a conglomeration of many efforts. However, everyone at Douglas Machine, and its customers, agree that the KMS has played a significant role in Douglas’ success.

Douglas Machine is employee owned and has more than 7,000 machines installed with customers in over 30 countries.

Rick Lukanen is a Principal Engineer at Douglas Machine, Inc., located in Alexandria, MN, USA. Rick has 20 years of experience in software development and numerical analysis applied in machine design. He currently manages the application of analysis technologies at Douglas and oversees a five-member analysis team.

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